DISCLOSURE FORMS (files for your use in Adobe pdf format)
Investment Brochure - the formal description of business practices and fees for Natural Investments, LLC
Form CRS - Client Reltationship Summary for Natural Investments, LLC
Privacy Policy - Statement of confidentiality of client information for Natural Investments, LLC
Code of Ethics - Our code of ethics, adopted from those used by the Certified Financial Planner Board.
CLIENT FORMS (files for your use in Adobe pdf file format)
Confidential Questionnaire - for investment related information
Cash Flow Questionnaire - for performing a cash flow analysis, and preparing and projecting a budget
FINANCIAL PLANNING RESOURCES (links to other web sites)
Investopedia - Forbes site on personal finance and investing
Yahoo Finance - for current news, quotes and general financial information
BankRate - source for mortgage rates, interest rates, and more
Deposit Accounts - source for interest rates, and more
Financial Literacy - for financial education and money management skills
Dave Ramsey - blunt, direct help and resources for getting your finances in order
SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE INVESTING (SRI) Resources (links to other web sites)
Natural Investments - investment advisor firm for managing investment assets
First Affirmative Financial Network - nationwide network of investment professionals specializing in SRI
US/SIF - The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment
FS Insight - Source for ideas and developments on financing the transition toward a sustainable economy
Green America - membership organization for socially just and environmentally sustainable society
UN PRI - United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, a partnership with the UNEP Finance initiative
COMMUNITY / SOCIAL LENDING (links to other web sites)
Community Investing Center - US/SIF resource for adding community investments to your portfolio
Calvert Impact Capital - invest in Calvert Community Investment (CCI) notes
Prosper - online community for lending and borrowing money
Kiva - online lending to the developing world
REDUCE YOUR FOOTPRINT (links to other web sites)
Finger Lakes Climate Fund - fund to promote energy efficiency through carbon offset donations
TerraPass - funds clean energy projects to offset the carbon emissions you can’t eliminate
CarbonFund - offset your emissions, fight global warming
Carbon Footprint Calculator - EPA’s carbon footprint calculator, and link to downloadable Excel version
StoryOfStuff - a look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns
EnergyStar - find energy efficient appliances and lighting fixtures
IthacaCarShare - local car share non-profit for reducing car ownership and sharing cars
GreenForAll - building an inclusive green economy to lift people out of poverty
SustainableTompkins - an Ithaca-based coalition to ensure the well-being of our communities and region
Green Resource Hub of the Finger Lakes - expanding the regional marketplace for sustainable living
SnugPlanet - Ithaca business to protect the environment through improved building efficiency